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A tribute to Jathedar Baba Gian Singh Sutanter - Shaster Vidhya Naamaa

An amazing insight to the life and teachings of Baba Gian Singh ji, the old traditions of shaster vidhya , principles , Ardas and teachings for all students of Shaster Vidya - Gatka


Contributions to the article made by


Jathedar Baba Santa Singh ji Akali- Budha Dal Punjab Thakat Dham Dhama SahibGyani Kher Singh – Shiromani Panth Akali Budha DalBhai Ranjodh Singh Hazoori Sewak Shiromani Panth Akali Budha Dal - Panjwan TakhatProf Pyiar Singh Padam - Punjab University Patiala

Jathedar Gurcharan Singh Gatka Master

Sheed Baba Deep Singh Ranjeet Akhara Delhi.


In this document writes about the principles of the Gatka Akhara ,
brief historical insight to Baba Deep Singh ji and  why is it imperative that we all train in the art of Shaster Vidhya -

Gatka Our Duty - Our Promise - Our Commitment to the Guru.



A synthesis of a number of articles about Gatka written by an unknown source for the Sikh Study Forum.

A very well balanced and interesting read.

The main sources of information were web pages containing articles written by

Harkirat Singh, Serjinder Singh and the International Gatka Federation


Jathedar Prof Nirmal Singh Guru Ki Wadali - International Coach of Gatka and Fencing

A hand written document outlying the basic principles of Gatka, its origins, the Nihang’s ,Bahadur Yudh and translations with reference to weapons from Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth.


Manuscripts - DasamGranth

According to the Panth Parvanat Sikh Rehat Maryada, one of the primary conditions for a person to qualify as a Sikh is that he "should faithfully believe in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the utterances and teachings by all ten Gurus and the baptism bequeathed by the tenth Guru". Hence having unflinching faith in Gurbani of all the Gurus is important for every Sikh claimant. It is the Gurbani of all the Gurus that makes us .....        

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